Talk Time Therapy is an online mental health therapy provider. We provide telehealth therapy services to you from the comfort of your own home. Our goal is to provide quality care in a judgment-free space.
Talk Time Therapy providers are licensed to serve all of Virginia.
The foundation of any effective therapy is having a connection with your therapist. Traditionally, therapy has been provided through an in person office setting. With the technology we have today, therapists and individuals have realized that the need to be in person is no longer essential to building therapist/client rapport needed to facilitate the therapeutic relationship.
Telehealth has been shown to be an efficient, alternative method to the traditional, in-person therapy model. Many people find online therapy to be a safe, convenient, efficacious method to receive therapy services. We use evidence-based practices to provide services for those experiencing anxiety, depression, life changes and adjustments, and parenting struggles.
We are currently serving female clients ages 12 and older. As our practice grows, we will expand genders and ages able to be seen, as well as states where services are provided.
You must be located in the state of Virginia at the time of services per current licensing regulations for telehealth services.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions regarding populations served or services provided.
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